Roasted Cauliflower


Recipe Name: Roasted Cauliflower


  • prep time: 10 minutes
  • cook time: Roast at 450 degrees for about 35 minutes
  • Servings: 4

    • 2 heads cauliflower broken apart into smaller florets
    • 2 cloves garlic minced
    • 1 tsp minced ginger
    • 1 lime squeezed
    • 1/2 cup olive oil (enough to coat florets)
    • season with sea salt & turmeric
    • Chopped Italian parsley or cilantro to garnish
  • Instructions:

    • Kids Prep: Help adult break apart cauliflower florets. Season cauliflower with salt and turmeric. Assist with squeezing lime.
    • Adult Prep: Heat oven to 450 degrees. Break apart larger cauliflower florets with knife and help with breaking apart. Layer on sheet pan. Mince garlic and ginger. Sprinkle minced garlic and ginger over cauliflower. Coat florets with olive oil. Assist with squeezing lime. Assist with seasoning. Roast. Garnish with herbs.
  • Wine Pairing: California Rosé

  • Notes: Perfect as a weeknight side dish. Turmeric and ginger have anti inflammatory components that will keep you feeling great!

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