Honest Wine: What Does Biodynamic Mean?

Have you ever noticed a certification on a wine bottle and thought, “Well, that sounds like a good thing—even though I have no clue what it means”? I was recently chatting about wine with my mother in law and realized many consumers probably have no idea what biodynamic means. And truly, unless you are fully immersed in farming and agriculture, it is a big concept to wrap your head around. What is so special about biodynamic farming??

Back in 2019, I was fortunate enough to see the beauty of biodynamic viticulture first hand. It was the year I took a job with with Grgich Hills in Napa Valley. I had spent about a decade studying and immersing myself in the wines of Europe but had failed to spend extensive time in my own backyard, California. I was drawn to the fact that it was a family-run operation that farmed organically, but what I didn’t know at the time was that they were going even further by farming biodynamically. The training I received at Grgich was straight out of a dream. They flew me up to Napa during harvest. I got my hands dirty, picking grapes by hand and watch them being crushed. The winemaker took us on a tour to the vineyards, where he immediately knelt down to the soil, picked up the dirt, and pointed out the surroundings—chickens, owls, ponds, and an entire ecosystem thriving around the vines. When you go on a winery tour and the majority of your time is spent in the vineyards, I always feel that is a great sign. So much of their heart and soul begins with making sure they have healthy vines. The winemaking is simply to express all of the hard work put into the soil.

Biodynamic viticulture is about more than just a conventional farming or an organic mindset; it’s about truly being one with nature. The philosophy is that grapes grow best in a natural environment, and the farming process follows a strict sun-moon cycle for picking and tending to the vines. Just last week, I visited Beckmen Vineyards in Santa Barbara, another estate that practices biodynamic farming. Steve Beckmen summed it up perfectly: "By treating our vineyards as complete and self-replenishing systems, biodynamic farming naturally builds soil life and vitality while defending against pests and disease."

This philosophy is truly organic on steroids. those who put this much effort into healthy vines often need to do less in the cellar. The grapes are vibrant and full of life. Whenever I see "biodynamic" on a label, it fills me with joy, knowing the pride and dedication that go into crafting every bottle of wine. All great wines begin with grapes that are thriving.


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