What Inspired The Name, Caleb & Rose?

Rome wasn’t built in a day. And neither are big visions. For me, Caleb & Rose isn’t just a wine company created overnight. It’s the culmination of many experiences that have transformed a passion project into a developing business.

Foreword — I am and forever will be blessed with an active mind. I dream, ponder, solve, and reflect almost every waking hour of the day. But there’s another side to me, one that takes a bit of vulnerability to admit: I’ve always struggled with fear. I don’t do heights. I have always been VERY afraid to fail. And because of that fear, I have held back at times. Ok so that confession is out there. Deep breath. Moving on.

Ten years in the making — In the Fall of 2015, my husband and I were presented with a sliding door opportunity. We had somewhat spontaneously decided to have our first kid in the year prior. He came home from work and relayed an offer that was presented to him: a three year flying assignment to Germany. At that point, I was drowning in a demanding career as a sales director for a wine importer. In my twenties, coordinating wine trips to Italy and traveling to major cities was a dream. As I turned the corner to thirty; however, balancing that career with a pilot husband and a new baby was a challenge to say the least. Every day, I was haunted by the fear that I wasn’t enough. Needless to say, when he presented the three year tour, I surprised him with my response, ‘Let’s do it’. Having a daughter certainly inspired me to start living as the best version of myself — She’d be shadowing my behavior within the year. In that moment, I knew at my core that this was the right decision for our family.

Just before heading to Europe, I had the word "enough" tattooed on my wrist. It was a commitment to not just dream of becoming the best version of myself but to actively pursue it. I wanted a daily reminder—something I’d see each morning as I washed my face and looked in the mirror—that despite any fears I might confront, I am enough and my life is full of joy.

When we moved to Germany, the unpredictable nature of the Air Force led to more deployments and travel than expected. It was challenging to be on my own with a one year old, yes. But oh Quinn, she showed me the power of resiliency. She reminded me that I could and I should get up and go. Seize the day and be grateful for our experience. She would rally through any hiccup in the plan as long as adventure was on the agenda. She’s always been in awe of new places and different cultures. So I leaned in. I traveled to the wine regions I had studied but had yet to visit. I even did some repeat visits of wineries in Italy I used to work with. My early riser Quinn gave me the gift of seeing some of the most acclaimed vineyards at sunrise. I felt chills as I witnessed the rolling hills of the Côtes d’Or light up. In French, Côtes d’Or literally means ‘Golden Slope’. Quinn was a challenging toddler but she was such a warrior of a traveler. She gave me courage to keep going. We went all over Europe to various wine regions together. Sometimes with Scott and many times just the two of us. I fell more in love with wine every single day. When it shines, wine offers one of the richest reflections of a place and its culture, allowing us to continually savor its essence.

We moved back to Southern California about five years ago. If I am being completely honest, I have always dreamed of owning this business. A place to connect a community. To effectively tell the story of so many of the amazing small wineries I have visited around the world. I know in my heart I will continue to draw strength from my kids. Caleb and Rose—for Wilem Caleb and Quinn Rose. Caleb symbolizes bravery and Rose represents purity, reflecting the qualities I admire in wine: boldness and honesty at its core.

Cheers to aspiring to be the best versions of ourselves! I am about to turn forty. Should I get another tattoo?

Creative Photography by my incredible sister, Sarah Eid


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